Roasted Cauliflower Curry!

Roasted Cauliflower Curry

Roasted Cauliflower & Veggie curry!

To make this dish it is so easy! Recently I’ve decided that roasting cauliflower and putting it with anything is the way forward, I love it! Considering this time last year, I wouldn’t even have a cauliflower near anything I was eating let alone taste one. My newfound love for the vegetable is here to stay!

For the curry I used the same recipe as found by clicking HERE. To mix it up this time I did add some peas and used both sweet potatoes as well as regular white potatoes. I have been on somewhat of a health kick this week, so I have swapped white rice for brown rice. (not sure if it even makes a difference to be honest with you)

What you want to do is cut your cauliflower into nice thick slices and place on a baking tray, drizzle over some olive oil and sprinkle with Black pepper, tikka curry powder and some Garlic powder.

Place them in the oven on a high heat until the top has slightly crisped. Once the top is crispy flip them over and bake until that side is also crispy.

Then all you have to do is put the roasted cauliflower with your curry and serve with rice!

It was delicious and a bit of a change from my normal veggie curry, without adding to much hassle.

Remember to keep up to date with my daily cooks over on @thediffveggie instagram page.

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